I can't tell you how many times I try to update this blog and then don't. It's almost overwhelming to try to catch up. Last blog was 25 Jan and just some pictures. So I'm resorting to just doing it when I can and getting the most recent shots online! Above is a sweet one of the 3 kids. I can't get over that our 'baby' is truly no longer a baby and more a fast paced toddler with the temper of a two year old. Maggie, below, is in a whole new sphere as a kindergartener. She is just such a helper and so positive. Yesterday she sat and 'talked' to Brian and me and just went on and on about her friends, what kids do at school, and memories of California. We both kind of looked at each other shocked, like "When did this kid grow up?" she even mentioned that she can't remember when the last time she got a spanking was. Nice.

And here she is on the slopes. She's taken 3 lessons this year and is officially snow plowing her way down the mountain. She loves ski school but also is excited to go out with us on the slopes!

And then there's Keegan. Not quite officially potty trained, we sent him off to ski school with a pull-up under his undies and our fingers crossed! He LOVED it though! His instructor told us that he'd ask for extra breaks (off the grueling magic carpet) and when he got up the next morning he seriously walked like an 80 year old because his legs were sore! He's kind of our slower paced fuddy-duddy so it's fun to see him out cruising down the hill. He'll call out "Weeee!" while he's on his way down!

Pull cart after the day. Because trying to walk with this three would take hours.

Added this to show the boys first real haircut. No more Mommy-done bowl cuts!

Funniest picture ever of Keegan and my pal's daughter! I have never seen this sort of expression on his face!