Monday, November 01, 2010

Trick or Treat with a Mullet

It took a while, but I got all three kids into costumes for trick or treating. There was a little competition about who got to hold the Pepper and Poo was not very happy that Doggie got to hold Pepper.

Somehow I got them all to smile for this one, well almost all smile:

Brian of course took out his yearly mullet and modified it for the Colorado weather. This wig just blends so well with his coloring that most people who meet him on Halloween have no idea he's himself if they meet him at a later date! We employed the wagon strategy to maximize our amount of Candy procured, and it worked great!
Here is Doggie at the Zemans taking more than the 2 pieces allowed per the sign. Heck, Doggies can't read!!

1 comment:

Molly said...

Wagon strategy, candy procurement, go mommy CEO!

Love love love the pics. :)