Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Driveway Golf

Because when kids are napping inside you can't just go play a round of golf... we settled for a competetive round of driveway putt-putt at the Mulloys. Billy was the victor with his official hole in one. Here we are checking out the action:

Our cute boy with a great smile

We took Mags roller skating- she LOVED it. I planned on roller skating too, but luckily the check out person let me know I could just walk next to her. I made it almost one lap, and it was TOUGH! Brian then took over for the remaining 10 laps she probably did!

Uncle Billy and Keegan! Billy totally took over as uncle down at the Village and entertained our little monkey for a couple of hours! THANKS

Newly preggers Katie with her tiny little bump. Maggie is so excited to have a new cousin and wants to name it "You". creative

Nana and Keegan at the driveway party.


Firehouse mama said...

Driveway golf and roller skating, that's awesome!

Vanessa/NessieNoodle said...

wah! I want to see Katie and her bump. I am sure she is adorable.

hope you guys are well