Sunday, January 11, 2009

We packed up and headed to the mountains to Nana and Papa's house. Maggie stays a bit more entertained with the sledding and Village nearby and it allows me to chill a bit more as there are extra hands to hold Keegan!

Keegan (still red-eyed) hanging out with Dad

I love this picture- Brian is wearing Keegan in the Bjorn and pulling Maggie in the sled on our walk down to the Village.

Here is Keegan with Nana. 11 days old.

We walked down to the Village and Maggie watched all the little kids in ski school. She doesn't qualify yet, you have to be 3 years old. She keeps saying "I WANT TO SKI" and I remind her we are a family of snowboarders! Here I found a nice spot to feed Keegan.

Later, Brian and I snuck off for about 45 minutes. Maggie was napping and I had just fed Keegan. This is the sight we came back to- Papa with Keegan passed out on his chest.

Maggie and Nana getting ready to go out and go sledding!

1 comment:

Firehouse mama said...

Thats just beautiful...can I come visit?! I'm so jealous, we have NO WHERE like that even relatively close by...