Sunday, July 26, 2009

SIX month stats!

Here's the big guy on our trip to Savannah. Prior to the trip he had his 6 month check up. He was 29.5 inches long, 18.6lbs, and his head was somewhere in the 70th percentile. He's off the charts for his length, and in the 70th percentile for his weight. It's kind of funny to me that he's only gained 8 lbs in his life, but I guess when you start out as a ten pound baby it's tough to maintain that 'weight class'! He's our super happy little guy, who loves to sit up, roll on to his tummy and get stuck, say "Dah Dah Dah", and giggle endlessly when Daddy tickles his ribs or Maggie is nearby. Maggie calls him Boo Boo bear, and sometimes just Keeg. She think it's cool she has nicknames for him. Happy 6 months baby K!


Unknown said...

YOU GO, Keegan! Keep up the good work! Grammie T!

Mike and Lindsay said...

Love the stats!! It's close to Winter's four month check. If she continues at this pace she is going to body slam Keegan on their first date. DDT from the top ropes...that's how she will show him love :)

Mike and Lindsay said...

On second thought...maybe a leg over arm bar!!