Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Less than a week

I saw the Dr yesterday (since now it is 2 am and I'm up because who knows why!) and we had some progress. He seems to think we might meet this boy soon! I took this 2am wakeup time to go back and look at some old pictures of life when it was just the two of us, well or even Brian, Euchre, and me. Here are some fun shots from the old days:

Xmas in South Dakota
Back at the Air Force Academy when we were freshman. Obviously the Jack Daniels was not allowed. Some say this is where it all began, but I don't know how Brian could have been attracted to me in that cool camo uniform we wore each day!
At Woodlake in NC right after we got engaged, and then our dog Euchre. Great engagement gift. The first night I asked if we could take him back
Destin Florida visiting Horin
Me and my old plane, the A-10. With my dad. This was at my graduation from A-10 training
Brian in his big ole B-1. Somehow they let me in to taxi it. Doesn't really seem legal, eh?


breemunger said...

so young!!! Can you believe it. I KNEW he loved you back than!

Nikki said...

I love those pics Julie! As I told you, we are sponsering a cadet. How old he & his friends make us feel. He told us his buddies asked him when Mike had graduated & he said he didn't know the exact year, so he said "sometime in the 90s" - like the 90s was so long ago that it doesn't really matter what year.

Where does the time go? It doesn't seem like that long ago that we were all in college. But, think how much has changed!